Summary of a survey for the September 7, 2019 meeting “Water Quality, Stewardship, and the health of Frenchman Bay” organized by Frenchman Bay Partners and held at Schoodic Institute.
A pre-meeting survey was created to better facilitate discussions and address participant questions. Participants were asked about their relationship as well as their beliefs in the human and ecological health of the bay, and what questions they have regarding the health, water quality and/or stewardship programs in the bay. The summaries below are based on 27 responses and these graphics were presented at the beginning of the meeting.
Although there were aquaculturists and wild harvesters at the meeting, the membership in the survey and at the meeting was dominated by people that used the bay for recreation, research, and education. About one-third of the respondants were part of their local town governance.

The group viewed climate change as a serious problem for the bay, and believe they are already seeing those changes in terms of erosion from rising sea level and increasing temperature. There was also concern about pollution, but this did not keep respondents fro believing that food from the bay was healthy, good for the local economy, and that harvesters and tourism could co-exist in the bay.
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