Map Eelgrass with Project Noah


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Project Noah users

Another way to participate in CEHL’s collaborative eelgrass mapping project is by creating a free account at Project Noah and uploading pictures of the plant to the mission “Eelgrass in Maine”.

  1. Create an Account. Go to the Project Noah homepage and create a free account and sign in.
  2. Join the Mission “Eelgrass in Maine”. The local mission search function is not working in the current version of the website and app, and the Project Noah development team will fix this for the next version, so for this project you will have to use the following url to join the mission: Note: You can not add sightings from the mission page.
  3. Take a picture(s) of eelgrass where you find it. Try to make these as clear as possible. Also, record latitude and longitude if possible, and any other habitat characteristics you notice. If you do have a gps unit, you can record the coordinates of corners of the bed, and add these to the comment section on Project Noah. CEHL will create a shape on their map from your coordinates. If you are using the app you can upload the image now. Note: You should sign up and join the mission through the website before using the app.
  4. Upload “Spotting” to Project Noah. Back at your computer, sign in to Project Noah and go to the homepage. Click the button on the left hand side that says ‘Upload A New Spotting’
  5. Enter Name and Category. Under ‘Common Name’ type “Eelgrass” and enter the category ‘Plants’
  6. Add Photos. Click the plus sign and then drag or upload your photograph(s) into the image box that pops up.
  7. Enter Location. Click ‘Add Location’ on the right hand side of the page. If you were able to record location coordinates, type them directly into the box. If you were not able to do so, use the google map to drag the point to the area you made the sighting. Note: the marker starts out in Bar Harbor, you have to move it from there.
  8. Enter the date you made the sighting.
  9. Add Notes. Add any additional information that you were able to gather, such as coordinates of the extent of the bed, into the boxes labeled ‘Description’, ‘Habitat’ and/or ‘Notes’
  10. Add to Mission. Under ‘Is It a Mission?’, Eelgrass in Maine should appear in the drop down list for you to select, once you’ve joined the mission (if you don’t see it, repeat step 2).
  11. Save. Click ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the page.

Thank you! If you have any further questions, feel free to contact the lab at 207-288-3605 x 423, or email Jordan Bailey at

Special thanks to volunteer Nell Smith for contributing to this post.