Author Archives: Anna Farrell

Winter Harbor Fisheries Oral History

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From the Maine Sea Grant Winter Harbor Fisheries Oral History post by Natalie Springuel:

First person stories about Winter Harbor’s fisheries heritage are now part of the Winter Harbor Historical Society’s audio collection! A multimedia story map about these interviews can be viewed at the Winter Harbor Fisheries Oral History Project.

The Winter Harbor Fisheries Oral History Project, conducted in the Fall of 2017, captured the stories, memories, and perspectives of local fishermen and their families, local marine businesses and fellow community members. The focus of the interviews was on the community’s connections to the waters surrounding the Schoodic Peninsula and the larger context of fisheries in Maine. Topics ranged from fishing past and present, getting product to market, changes in the industry and changes in the Winter Harbor region. Fishing is so much more than a job, it is a way of life, and the interviews also explored history, family, boat building, business, and relationships.

The goal of the project was to help the Winter Harbor Historical Society document its fishing and community heritage for future generations. Our hope is that these stories will help future residents, visitors, and decision-makers understand the important role that the sea has played, and will continue to play, in Maine’s coastal communities.

Request for Proposals

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In summer 2017, the Frenchman Bay Partners received the Acadia Birding Festival (ABF) Environmental Stewardship Award, which included $1000 in cash. The executive committee would like to make these funds available to a Partner or Partners who need support for a conservation-related project on Frenchman Bay. The project could include water monitoring, clam surveys, and monitoring rockweed, or something unrelated to our Bay Plan, like a coastal clean-up or attendance at a meeting or conference. We need a brief description and budget and expect a final report of how the funds were used at the end of the project period.

If you are not a Frenchman Bay Partner, but would like to be, we welcome you to join in ensuring a healthy and sustainable future for Frenchman Bay!

Application deadline: November 15, 2017 11:59 PM


Apply here