Category: News
A Climate of Change: Warming Waters in the Gulf of Maine
You can find the full workshop report here on the Island Institute website.
Water Quality Workshops
In January and February 2014, NOAA’s Maine Coastal Program will be presenting five half-day workshops in Ellsworth, Freeport, Machias, Saco and Thomaston to address water quality. Attendance is free! You […]
Upcoming Legislation: Maine Coastal Islands Wilderness Act
In April 2013, Representatives Michaud and Pingree introduced Bill H.R. 1808, the Maine Coastal Islands Wilderness Act of 2013 which would designate 3,125 acres on 13 of the 59 islands […]
Grant Opportunity: Marine Debris Prevention
NOAA is offering $20,000 – $100,000 for marine debris prevention through education and outreach! You can find the full description and application materials here.
MDIBL Receives $239k Grant for Eelgrass Restoration
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has awarded the Mount Desert Island Bio Lab a grant of $239,000 for eelgrass restoration in Frenchman Bay. The grant will enable the Lab […]
Workshop on market-based approaches to conservation
On Oct. 2, 2013, Tundi Agardy of Forest Trends visited Mt. Desert Island and facilitated a discussion about market-based approaches to marine conservation. Frenchman Bay Partners executive committee and other […]
Mudflat project updates
At College of the Atlantic, students have been developing protocols for measuring the pH on clamflats, and comparing different meters to see which ones are the most precise, and this […]
Diadromous fish dispatches
Frenchman Bay Partners is working closely with both the Department of Marine Resources and the Maine Inland Fish and Wildlife Service to develop fish-run restoration projects that will have the […]
MDIBL and SMCC complete benthic survey of Frenchman Bay
During the summer of 2013, a group from Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory and Southern Maine Community College began a benthic survey of numerous sites in Frenchman Bay. The survey […]
Eelgrass decline raises questions
The Frenchman Bay Partners’ plan of restoring an additional 228 acres of eelgrass this summer had to be put on hold when it became clear that eelgrass was not coming […]