Author Archives: Anna Farrell

Green Crabs in Frenchman Bay: The Continuing Saga

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Everyone has been hearing a lot about green crabs and their destructive nature these days.  Frenchman Bay definitely has its share of them.  Green crabs are an invasive species from Europe that were unintentionally introduced to the Eastern shores of America in the 1800s. Their numbers have been increasing ever since.


Maine Sea Grant sponsored a Green Crab Summit at University of Maine in December 2013.  Many Frenchman Bay Partners were in attendance.  The presentations provided a lot of detail about green crabs, their life history, and their impacts on shellfish populations and as well as salt marshes and seagrass beds.  They can be viewed at Several Frenchman Bay Partners, including representatives of the Bar Harbor Shellfish Committee, MDI Bio Lab, and Frenchman Bay Regional Shellfish Committee participated in a  one-day, state-wide survey of green crabs last summer, focusing their sampling efforts in Bar Harbor, Lamoine, Trenton, Sorrento and Sullivan.  The results of the survey can be found on the Maine DMR website .  The report concludes that green crabs are present throughout the state and in numbers that represent a detrimental impact to bivalve shellfish.

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Population Genetics of Invasive Green Crab

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Click here to access an academic poster by Bates College student Camilla Nivison, and advisors Larissa Williams and William Ambrose detailing the population genetics of invasive green crab, Carcinus maenas, in the Gulf of Maine.

One of the most successful marine invaders, Carcinus maenas has established populations on all temperate coasts. The past few years have seen a surge in the abundance of C. maenas and their impacts on coastal communities from Long Island to Nova Scotia, which may reflect a new strain of C. maenas introduced into the region from Northern Europe. As a marker of genetic diversity and gene flow between populations, I studied haplotypes caused by silent mutations of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene. I found the highest genetic diversity in the northern sites (NS: h=0.7619). Pairwise comparisons show Nova Scotia and Mt. Desert populations are genetically more differentiated from the other populations (NS: FST=0.4201 , MDI: FST=0.1448) likely caused by the recent invasion to Nova Scotia, which has subsequently spread south.


Anna Farrell

April 10, 2014

Date: Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Time: 3-3:40 pm

Location: Hegner Lab, MDI Bio Lab

Present: Duncan Bailey, Anne La Bossiere, Anna Farrell

Call-In (207-288-9880 x423): Bridie McGreavy

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Call for Submissions

Hello Frenchman Bay Partners! The April e-newsletter is being put together as we speak. If any partners have news to share, updates, upcoming events, photos, or articles you want to be included, email Anna Farrell at by noon April 18, 2014. The newsletter is sent to all members, so it’s a great way to get the word out!

Anna Farrell

March 31, 2014

Frenchman Bay Partners Executive Committee Meeting

Location: Davis classroom on the MDIBL campus

Date: Wednesday March 12, 2014


Present:  Jane Disney, Fiona de Koning, Bob DeForrest, Duncan Bailey,

On conference call:  Bridie McGreavy, Chris Petersen

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Anna Farrell

February 11, 2014

Survey Results

Over the course of three days, 15 people responded to an eight question online survey regarding the Frenchman Bay Partners Annual Meeting held on February 1, 2014. The Frenchman Bay Partners consists of individuals and organizations representing marine industries, research organizations, tourism companies, education institutions, conservation groups, land trusts, and municipalities.

This year’s meeting was held at Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory’s Dahlgren Hall. Fifty people were in attendance. The meeting began with three keynote presentations focused on the benthos of FrenchmanBay, followed by a panel discussion. In the afternoon, after a potluck lunch, attendees chose to attend one or more of three breakout sessions. There was a session on the Frenchman Bay Partners website, a session to meet committee members, and a session on market based approaches to conservation.

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Anna Farrell

February 6, 2014

Minutes of the Frenchman Bay Partners Annual Meeting, February 1, 2014

Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory (MDIBL) Dahlgren Hall

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